They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
~ Benjamin Franklin
I have never had a tolerance for censorship, even of those I adamantly don't agree with or believe to be sharing false information. Once any person, group, or government decides only their "truth" exists because "they know best" or "they know the truth" or "they need to protect the others against wrongful thinking" it is only the free exchange of questions, alternate thoughts, insights, opposing conclusions, and different perspectives that stands between their total control and influence and personal freedoms and liberties.
Censorship reflects a society's lack of confidence in itself.It is a hallmark of an authoritarian regime. ~Potter Stewart
It's my belief and experience that the majority of our national and global systems have reached tyrannical levels of censorship. Any information, data, inquiries, or critisism that don't support the current power-to-be's agendas or narratives are blocked, deleted, and dismissed. Those individuals, experts, and groups intent on using their voices and platforms to be heard are deplatformed, criminalized, fired, ostracized, persecuted, and denied their basic liberties and freedoms guaranteed them under the US Consitution and their sovereign God-given rights as a human being.